President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency calls out to end racism and heed to the counsels of the Prophet in a BYU devotional today.

“The shocking police-produced death of George Floyd in Minnesota last May was surely the trigger for these nationwide protests, whose momentum was carried forward under the message of ‘Black Lives Matter,’” said President Oaks. “Of course, Black lives matter! That is an eternal truth all reasonable people should support.”

In his talk, Presiden Oaks repeated some of President Nelson’s recent teachings on racism:

  • “God does not love one race more than another.”
  • “Favor or disfavor with God is dependent upon your devotion to God and His commandments, and not the color of your skin.”
  • We should “build bridges of cooperation instead of walls of segregation.”
  • “Any of us who has prejudice toward another race needs to repent!”
  • Latter-day Saints should “lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice toward any group of God’s children.”

These prophetic clarifications can, President Oaks said, help us repent, change and improve.

“Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can unite and bring peace to people of all races and nationalities,” he said. “We who believe in that gospel — whatever our origins — must unite in love of each other and of our Savior Jesus Christ.”

President Oaks noted that the efforts of some today to erase from history people associated with slavery may “accomplish nothing but a bow to the cause of political correctness.” Instead, President Oaks encouraged “inspiration, education and clear thinking.” In his remarks, he related a recent and serendipitous encounter with some of the words of Winston Churchill from 1940.

Churchill was once a minority voice in Britain who warned of the evils of the Nazi government in Germany. Later, after many of his predictions came to pass, he became prime minister. Some of his colleagues in government wanted to punish those who had ignored his warnings and thus contributed to Britain’s lack of preparedness during World War II.

Churchill, however, saw folly in such an approach.

“There are many who would hold an inquest in the House of Commons on the conduct of the Governments — and of Parliaments … during the years which led up to this catastrophe. They seek to indict those who were responsible for the guidance of our affairs. This also would be a foolish and pernicious process. … Of this I am quite sure, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future.”

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