WHAT’S A WRINKLE IN TIME ABOUT? Based on the beloved novel by Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time tells the story of Meg (Storm Reid) and her brother Charles Wallace (Deric McCabe) as they search through time and space to find their missing father (Chris...
Mormon Moviegoers is a collective of LDS film reviewers helping you to make informed decisions about Hollywood films. It was founded by family counselor Jonathan Decker (of Ask a Mormon Therapist). WHAT’S THE POST ABOUT? Risking their careers and their freedom,...
Pitch Perfect 3 picks up a few years after the highs of winning the world championships. (Das Sound Machine was robbed) The Bellas now find themselves split apart and discovering there aren’t many job prospects for making music with your mouth. But when they get the...
WHAT’S JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE ABOUT? If you’re familiar with the original book, authored by Chris Van Allsburg, then you already know the basic story. For the uninitiated, Jumanji is a board game that literally comes to life and requires the participants of...
Mormon Moviegoers is a collective of LDS film reviewers helping you to make informed decisions about Hollywood films. It was founded by family counselor Jonathan Decker (of Ask a Mormon Therapist). WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Rejected by publishers following the failure of his...
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