Romrik Joshua Flores

Romrik starts to have interest in business since he was 4 and at the same age he starts reading academic books. While in Junior High school he consecutively won twice in the same position for the Supreme School Government however he decided to stop running for the suceeding years to focus more in his academics. When he was 14 he organized a non-profit media organization where writers, musicians and artist can share their talent on social media. The organization regularly host online concerts to feature such talents. In his 16th year he begun to study stocks, Forex and cryptocurrencies and later started to trade, speculate and invest on it.

Currently Romrik is a Humanities and Social Sciences student (HumSS) in the Lyceum of the Philippines University. He believes that in order for a business to be successful he first need to understand the human mind and to also study law. He often attend seminars, summits and corporate meetups about business, innovation, entrepreneurship and investment.