Makati City, Philippines – In a glittering event held last night, Michelle Dee, the 28-year-old beauty from Makati, captured the hearts of the nation as she was crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2023. The highly anticipated pageant, showcasing the...
In a deeply personal account shared by Lupe Marie, mother of David Archuleta, the importance of inclusivity and acceptance within religious communities, particularly concerning LGBTQ individuals, is brought to the forefront. This story prompts a collective reflection...
In a heartfelt and candid letter shared with friends and family, the mother of David Archuleta opened up about the deeply personal and difficult decision to leave the faith. While acknowledging the sensitivity of the topic, the author expressed a desire for honesty...
In a devastating incident that has left a community in mourning, a young missionary from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has tragically lost their life in an accident involving an electric scooter. The incident occurred on May 7, 2023 in Clearfield,...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has teamed up with LifeMoves, a non-profit organization that provides interim housing and supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness, to open a 240-bed navigation center in Redwood City, California. The...
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