Christopher Lucero | Mystic Connecticut, United States

As told by Brother Christopher Lucero  himself.”11 years of alcoholism and drugs and many bad choices. I have stolen from people and companies, I have lied to many people, I have committed fraud, stolen cars, assaulted people and most of all hurt the ones I loved.

My life finally reached a point where I was done. I never got caught in what I did but I knew it was very close to happen.

One day I showed up to work hungover. (Yes even though I was an alcoholic and addict I had to keep the money flowing to support my habits).  I had been drinking to make me forget what I had done in my life the people I had lost and the people I hurt. I wanted to be done for some time. I had been hungover nearly everyday from either drugs or alcohol. I consistently used both usually to cover each other.  Well I went to work and one of my co workers who was LDS asked why I drank. I told him truthfully. I also said I wanted to be done. I wanted to save my marriage. I had told him there were many things I had tried to quit for good like cold turkey, other methods, rehab, counseling, and medication. None of them worked. He asked if could give me a blessing. I asked what it was and he explained it was a prayer that would be prayed over me. They never said it would change my life. He and another gentleman gave me a blessing.

The very next day I found myself in Alcoholics Anonymous. I found myself a sponsor and I started to work the steps. I had to call my sponsor daily.  There was no room for error. After a little bit in the program I lost two sponsors both of them left the program.

When I saw Elder Haskell and Elder Hawes. They were riding bikes and I was going to get ice cream. I normally went another way but we ended up driving the back way. I saw then on the bikes and  we passed them I had this unimaginable urge to turn around and talk to them. When I stopped them I asked if they could help me get baptized. I was raised Catholic but the church that I went to with my mother didn’t feel right. So they started me on my lessons.

After a few weeks they left and Sister Eggleston and Sister Nelson came in and they helped me finish my lessons.

Since the time of being a drug addict and alcoholic, I am one day from reaching my 1 year sobriety, I am now a proud Mormon, I hold a great job that I absolutely love with another job on the way (because the one is going to be part time) my finances are finally getting back on track, I’m helping my friends and family find truth in the gospel, and I’m finally making all the things I messed up right. I had Mormon friends in school but I didn’t investigate the church until I received the blessing that broke the chains of my addictions and changed my life.

Do you believe that the church is true?     I believe that the church is true. I was told by the missionaries to pray on it to find my answer. Mine came in a dream and I was told from just a voice “This church is right where you need to be.” So yes on 10/19/2014 I became sober, I received the blessing two days prior. I can attest that because of a blessing I  re-introduced to the holy spirit again, I can also say that the more I read in the Book of Mormon the better my life gets, and I can also say that there are great truths, a sense of community, and above all putting Jesus and Heavenly Father first.This church is true to me. I have seen it change my life and my family has seen the change. I am happy to work at being a better person and devoting my life to being more like Christ. I’m not perfect but I try everyday especially since I won’t ever disappoint any again with making a bad decision. This is my testimony to the best of my knowledge. I say this in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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