In a remarkable turn of events, one of Seoul’s most iconic religious landmarks, the Seoul Korea Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has made a surprising appearance in the latest K-Drama sensation, “Celebrity,” released on...
Cheonan, Korea – In a groundbreaking move, leaders of the Korean Young Single Adult (YSA) have decided to discontinue traditional dance socials in favor of a church-sponsored dating app. The decision, implemented during the recent 3-day YSA conference in Cheonan,...
Russell M. Nelson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced the building of a new temple in Korea. Busan, Korea This will be South Korea’s second temple. In 1985, the first was constructed in Seoul. In the country, around 90,000...
Since May 2020, the church has been carefully reopening its temples in five phases based on local circumstances and government regulations. Temple workers and members are advised to wear masks, reduce the number of temple visitors and staff, sanitize after temple...
BYU-PathwayConnect, an online curriculum developed by the church-sponsored BYU-Idaho, is finally introduced to South Korea. This program is designed to support Church members who can’t go abroad to study but still get the benefits of an American education. On...
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