The Dreaded Temptations

The Dreaded Temptations

By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Kentucky, USA   If a man overcomes his temptations his own, or natural man is dispersed, that is, loosened and tempered by the truths and goods received from The Lord. It helps man confirmed the spiritual things that lie within, and...
Being Strong: Reflecting His Light

Being Strong: Reflecting His Light

By: Dawn Stevens, MCH Contributor Grace Lane Authors Utah, USA   “You’re so strong; I could never do what you do.” I never perceived myself as being strong, but I knew how to survive. Over time the survival became thriving. Each step became more confident as I learned...
Teachings: The Appearance Of Charity

Teachings: The Appearance Of Charity

By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Kentucky, USA  It is not so much, what one does, or says that counts, but it is why, one does or says it. Acts of charity, kindness, and benevolence can appear to be charitable on the outside, but on the inside, are as a beautiful piece...
Teachings: Winking of God

Teachings: Winking of God

By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Kentucky, USA   Sometimes we ought to just wink or nod at ourselves, or at others, when ignorance, or transgressions are committed, as oppose to putting a obstacle, snag, or stumbling block in our own path, or in some one else’s...